Monday 31 July 2017

The Dash Wallet: The new iOS coin purse

The number of users using Bitcoin is increasing daily, due to the immense popularity it has gained in recent times, mainly this year, when the thousand dollar barrier was broken by the digital phenomenon of crypto codes.

IOS has not been left behind, and has adapted to the criptocoins revolution, because it created the Dash Wallet, a purse able to secure your bitcoins with supreme protection and confidence.

Although initially Dash generated much skepticism among users of digital coins, its features have been opening up an excellent space within the scope of the criptocoins, which has resulted in those, who at first criticized, now Show a great interest in its benefits, recognizing it now as an alternative payment, for sublime concepts of goods and services through mobile devices and points of sale.
Last week Apple announced that it would allow the use of Dash through devices and applications, a decision of the utmost importance knowing that at first the software company announced that it would not interfere in this market because it could lend itself to illicit movements and businesses.
The app is already in the iOS App Store, and we can download it for free. After having it in our mobile phone we can configure it from the beginning, choose the language, and decide if we want to recover or create a new portfolio.

After doing this, the software will proceed to generate a recovery phrase composed of a total of 12 words (better known as Seed code), with which we will have the possibility to recover our portfolio and our assets in the event of any eventuality occurring with The device in which it is to be installed (Theft, destruction or formatting thereof).

The process is simple, since later we will have to create a Dash code, which will fulfill the password function to open your wallet and with this you can carry out the necessary transactions.

Bitcoin has been on smart platforms for some time now, and in India several companies like Zebpay, Bitxoxo, Unocoin and more have already issued their application for buy bitcoins in India.

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